Sunday, December 26, 2010

7 days to becoming a better person

Each day you do something selfless, that will not even take more than a few moments of your time, and experience first hand what it feels like to transform into a genuinely great person. Here’s the challenge:

Day 1 – Tell someone you love them

So many people out there never take the precious time to express how they feel to the ones that are truly important in their life. Expressing your love shouldn’t be seen as taboo or a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of confidence, and an expression of what you really feel. There is nothing more amazing than to know that someone loves you. On this first day of the challenge, choose someone in your life to make them feel that special feeling. It’s very simple, just sit them down and say something along those lines: “You know I don’t say this often enough but I do appreciate our bond and everything that you do for me. So I just wanted to tell you that I love you…I wanted you to know that.” In two minutes, you have made someone’s day….forget day, you’ve made their month! So pick a spouse, a parent, a sibling, a friend….anyone that you truly care about and say the magic word. You may get a little nervous just before, but once you say it, I guarantee you that you will feel amazing. Yes, becoming a better person is not a chore….it actually feels great!

Day 2 – Open your ears and listen
Everyone has their share of issues that they deal with on a daily basis. We all at some point need to be heard. We need to get things out and just blow some steam. Unfortunately, the art of listening is fading away. It’s becoming more and more of a struggle for people to find a good pair of ears to vent off to. So on day 2 of your quest to becoming a better person, you simply have to be there for someone close to you. That’s all you have to do. Listen to them. Let me tell you, I do this all the time with my friends. I make myself available for them and I just listen. You wouldn’t believe how it makes them happy to have someone listen to them. No opinions, no judgment. Listen unconditionally. You may not have realized the power of listening yet, but this exercise will prove it to you. It can make a tremendous difference in someone’s life, and it’s one of the best gifts you can give anyone.

Day 3 – Apologize
We all have made certain mistakes. We’ve all done things we regret. Unfortunately, the majority of the time, we never take the opportunity to make things better, perhaps out of pride or ego. So we carry this along with us. Sure, with time, its impact may fade a little, but there is a much more powerful method to deal with such situations. On day 3, it’s time for you to swallow your pride and apologize. Look into your past. Is there a particular person that you have lost touch with or haven’t spoken to in a while? Regardless of what happened, this is not the time to decide who was right and who was wrong. This is about healing a wound. Apologizing is not an admission that you were wrong. On the other hand, it is proof that you are confident enough to say it. This act will not only make the other party feel much better, it will inspire them. So by being the “bigger person” and apologizing, you create nothing but positive energy all around. This is as rewarding for you as it is for that other person.

Day 4 – Give away a valuable
Nowadays, the only time people give each other anything somewhat meaningful is on birthdays and holidays. What about the other 360-something days of the year? Simply giving contains so much power in and of itself. This is why on day 3, you will choose something meaningful that you will give to someone that you know will like it and/or benefit from it. It must be something in your home, that you already own. Perhaps a painting, or a book. Something that you hold dear and that will bring happiness and value to the person you choose to give it to. You see, sharing your wealth is one of the best ways to prove how much you care and necessary to becoming a good person. These types of gifts are so much more powerful than anything given on birthdays or holidays, because it shows that you gave it because you wanted to, not because you had it. This brings a whole new meaning to that gift and will make the person appreciate it even more!

Day 5 – Volunteer your time
The first few days, you have given back to the people close to you, but now, it is time to take this further than the comfort of your own surroundings! Giving back to your community and your society is just as important, and an integral part of making everything as a whole, a much better existence for all involved. On day 5, it is time for you to give some of your time away. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can volunteer your time helping out at your children’s school, or at a local community center for example. It doesn’t have to be a full day or many hours. Volunteer the time that you can. What I mean is that instead of watching tv or surfing the web for example, take some of that time and do something that will help contribute to the development of your community. Ask around, could be something at work or related to a particular activity that you do. Nobody refuses a helping hand and everyone benefits out of it :)

Day 6 – Help out a stranger
So many people out there could use the help of some good people. After all, we are all humans and we should stick up for one another. I’ve always been amazed by stories of complete strangers risking their life to help a fellow human being. If we can just help anyone with a fraction of such a commitment, then we’ve all made a difference. On day 6, it’s time to do a kind gesture for a total stranger. Could be helping an elderly person with their bags, or helping a kid cross the street, there are so many tiny gestures that we can do in our daily life to help others it’s incredible. When you see a car break down on the side of the road, most people drive by, thinking that help is on the way or that someone else will stop. How about you become the person that stops? How about you become the person whose gesture makes a total stranger’s day? This is your opportunity to showcase how a good-hearted person reacts in such situations for the greater good of all involved.

Day 7 – Donate
The world is a big place, but in the end, we are a tiny community in the vastness of the Universe. All we have is each other. Although they may not live nearby, there are so many people around the world that need the assistance of good natured people. On this final day, it is time to take your good deeds global! There are tons of really good charities and organizations across the globe that make it their goal to help out those that are in need. Pick any organization about any particular cause that you may hold dear to your heart, and provide them with a donation. The internet makes it really easy now to find such organizations, so this final step is super simple and quick to complete. Donate whatever you can. The amount is not important. What is important is that even though your gesture was simple and quick, the difference it will make will resonate with far greater significance in the grand scheme of things.

So there you have it! 7 days and a better you comes out of it. As a matter of fact, if you have noticed, in becoming a better person, you have affected the lives of so many different people in such positive ways. With such small gestures each day, you have made a difference in your life as well as in other people’s, and that is what becoming a better person is all about. You may find that after these 7 days, you have now developed a habit and that you will continue each and every day to give back. If you have created a “momentum” of doing good deeds and that it will keep on going, then I have done my work. This can indeed become life changing! So you have the challenge and I would love to hear what you all have done and how it’s impacted your life and those around you ;)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I HATE TODAY....(tonight, right now)

I HATE TODAY.....tonight, right now....have you ever been crashed by a bus...wait! well i know the answer NEVER....what kind of question (stupid question) i just ask??...well the thing is...have you ever been crushed, been broken in million pieces like a shattered glass or mirror...well i have, RIGHT the stories goes like i really, really, really i mean extremely like this one particular HOT guy.....when i say HOT i mean really HOT...he's cute in a gay way...yup i think his a gay...One day my friend YUSRY I.Med him....n he say SAYANG to YUS....n i was like dude is he a gay....n last 2 night he posted a video...n he say "raymond ( a guy in a band) is so HANDSOME" i thought well i think he is a gay.....i guess...heheh
So where are we???....owh yeah bout' the guy that i like....yes i do like him a lot...i like him since i was in my 3rd semester....i think....i told everyone...i told all my friends....i told HANEY, NANA, WANIE, MIE, EENA, FAQIH, AUDI, TEYRA, n i told the most to YUS bout' him....they'll do everything to help me getting to know HIM..they even got his FACEBOOK (which i found it by myself eventually) n they even got his phone number...n helping me got His REAL name coz i called him TUKIMAN all the time....what really funny is even my own friends called him TUKIMAN heheh...all his status saying "make an initiative if you really want me" makes me really excited to get him..he also says that he is single all the time..yeah im happy to hear that......but.....all that effort it's not worth it....all my feeling towards HIM just a blink of an eye it's just gone with the wind...i found out that he has a crush on someone else...which i really know who's that "GIRL" is.....but i don't wanna tell you guys who she is....that is not important....what important is i think i'm happy being me...being with myself...being with my friends who understand me (i guess???)...being with my family eventho' they don't have to know about all this happy coz i know GOD is always beside me....HE help me cross this pain that i felt...n i know 1 day 1 perfect guy who is million more better than "that" guy will come and win my heart......INSYAALLAH.....;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan di kalangan masyarakat Islam semakin meruncing. Bagaimanakah Islam memberi penyelesaian terhadap perkara ini.

Assalamualaikum WBT,

Saya Nur Elsza Saleeza binti Joni ingin menceritakan topik hari ini iaitu keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan di kalangan masyarakat islam masa kini semakin runcing, bagaimanakah islam memberi penyelesaian terhadap perkara ini. Saya ingin berkongsi bersama anda semua topik hari ini kerana ia amat penting bagi mereka yang akan melangkah kehidupan perkahwinan dan berkeluarga.

Kita sering kali mendengar berita tentang penceraian antara suami dan isteri yang kini semakin meruncingkan dan semakin berkembang. Sebagai seorang insan yang mempunyai akal dan fikiran mestilah bertindak dan berfikir cara menanganinya. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin menceritakan tentang keluarga. Apa itu keluarga? Keluarga merupakan sebuah institusi yang amat penting keranan keluarga merupakan masyarakat kecil yang menjadi asas dalam pembentukan masyarakat. Selain itu, kepentingan institusi ini jelas apabila Allah SWT mengadakan undang-undang dalam urusan kekeluargaan yang disebut sebagai munakahat. Keluarga memainkan peranan penting dalam membentuk peribadi individu yang baik kerana dari peribadi yang baik akan terbina keluarga yang baik, dari keluarga yang baik akan lahir masyarakat yang berdisiplindan mantap, seterusnya dari masyarakat yang berdisiplin akan tertegak negara yang cemerlang dan diredai oleh Allah SWT.

Pembentukan keluarga juga amat penting untuk mengekalkan kesinambungan generasi manusia kerana pengabaian pembentukan institusi keluarga akan membawa kepada kebenaransesebuah masyarakat. Selain itu, ia juga penting untuk memelihara akhlak, tata susila dan kemuliaan manusiam melalui ikatan perkahwinan. Ia juga untuk mencapai kebahagiaan, kehormanian, kebaikan, kasih sayang sesama manusia, kepuasan rohani serta jasmani dan membentuk umat yang kuat dan mantap kerana individu yang kukuh dan kuat dibentuk oleh ibubapa. Selain itu ia juga penting untuk mencetus dan membentuk semangat pengorbanan, tolong menolong, kerjasam dan perpaduan dalam jiwa setiap anggota keluarga.

Selain itu, perkahwinan juga penting untuk membina keluarga yang baik. Perkahwinan bermaksud syarat asas untuk mendidik keluarga. Perkahwinan juga merupakan satu amalan yang mulia di sisi Allah SWT. Ini kerana perkahwinan dianggap sebagai hubungan semula jadi yang wujud antara dua individu yang berlainan, iaitu lelaki dengan perempuan. Ia dilakukan bukan semata-mata ubtuk mencapai kepuasan nafsu, bahkan untuk mencapai ketenangan jiwa dan hati. Selain itu, perkahwinan dikategorikan sebagai ibadat. Malahan, islam menganjurkan perkahwinan dengan tujuan untuk mencari keredaan Allah SWT, memelihara kesucian diri dan keturanan, mengikut sunnah Rasulullah SAW, mendapatkan zuriat dan berdakwah. Di dalam Al-Quran, Allah telah menyerukan kepada manusia untuk mematuhi ketentuan-ketentuan dan kewajiban-kewajiban yang telah dijelaskanNya.

“tuhan yang telah menciptakan manusia itu dari sebentuk jiwa, yang darinya ia bentuk pula yang lain sehingga terciptalah apa yang disebut laki-laki dan perempuan (surah An-Nisa’ ayat 1). Allah telah menciptakan manusia dari satu jiwa dan dari jiwa itu Ia ciptakan manusia, sebab itu ia (laki-laki) mesti berusaha dan memberikan perlindungan kepadanya (wanita)”. (surah yang ke7 ayat 107).

Kita biasa mendengar ungkapan ini " Keluarga bahagia, negera sejahtera" Sebenarnya ungkapan yang nampak ringkas ini mempunyai makna yang amat besar bagi masyarakat kita khususnya orang-orang Melayu. kemelut rumahtangga yang melanda masyarakat melayu masa kini amat menyedihkan. Statistik perceraian yang meningkat,masalah penderaan anak2 dan isteri, masalah pembuangan bayi, pergaduhan suami isteri, nasib ibubapa yang dihantar kerumah orang2 tua dan banyak lagi masalah yang berkait rapat dengan keluarga dan perkahwinan menyebabkan masyarakat berdepan dengan masalah keruntuhan akhlak yang semakin serius .Malah kelunturan sifat kemanusiaan sejak kebelakangan ini amat ketara dengan keganasan yang berlaku hampir setiap hari yang dilaporkan di media.

Selain itu, penderaan anak-anak juga merupakan keruntuhan sebuah institusi kekeluargaan. Namun yang amat menyedihkan ialah ada segelintir ibubapa yang hanya mementingkan diri mereka sendiri tanpa dapat memahami perasaan anak2 yang melihat konflik rumahtangga ibubapa mereka yang tidak berkesudahan. Anak2 punya perasaan dan ingin melihat ibubapa bahagia dan sentiasa hidup berkasih sayang. Ada antara para suami yang tidak henti2 mencari cinta diluar rumah sehingga tidak sedar anak2 sudah besar dan malu terhadap perbuatan ayah dan ibu mereka. Kata orang2 tua..."Jika mahu bercerai, lihatlah pada mata anak-anak...kerana dimata mereka terpancar seribu penderitaan"

Perceraian dan konflik rumah tangga memang memeritkan bagi mereka yang melaluinya. Namun tidak dinafikan adakalanya kesibukan kerja mengejar kebendaan juga menyebabkan ibubapa mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka terhadap anak-anak khususnya remaja yang sentiasa dahagakan kasih sayang. Justru jika tidak mendapat kasih sayang dirumah mereka akan mencarinya diluar rumah.

Keruntuhan Institusi kekeluargaan masa kini amat jelas memberi kesan kepada negara. Ini kerana masyarakat yang kucar kacir akan melahirkan generasi yang rendah nilai moral dan tidak mampu meneraju negara kearah kesejahtraan dan pembangunan rohani dan jasmani.Apa akan terjadi jika masalah keruntuhan institusi dan moral masyarakat kita tidak dibendung dengan segera. Mungkin kita akan menjadi seperti negara membangun sekarang yang kurang mengamalkan adap sopan dan menganggap sikap kurang ajar dan moral yang rendah sebagai satu norma hidup yang diterima pakai dalam masyarakat kita.

Islam telah mengajar kita agar setiap keluarga dalam masyarakat, berusaha mewujudkan sebuah institusi yang aman, bahagia dan kukuh, kerana ia merupakan lingkungan atau unit masyarakat yang terkecil dan berperanan sebagai satu komoniti yang akan menentukan corak serta bentuk masyarakat Madani yang kita idam-idamkan.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud:

“Setiap anak itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah (suci bersih), maka kedua ibu bapanyalah (yang akan membentuk anak-anak itu) menjadi Yahudi, Nasrani atau pun Majusi”. - Riwayat Al-Bahari -

Berdasarkan kepada hakikat tersebut, setiap ibu bapa atau pun pasangan yang bakal menjadi suami isteri wajiblah mengambil inisiatif untuk mempelajari dan menghayati konsep serta matlamat perkahwinan yang telah disyariatkan oleh islam. Pengetahuan ini amat penting kerana selain daripada memenuhi keperluan fizikal dan mengelakkan dari berlakunya kemaksiatan, ikatan perkahwinan juga bertujuan agar manusia mempunyai keluarga dan keturunan yang sah serta hidup bahagia didunia dan diakhirat. Perkahwinan adalah satu tanggungjawab untuk kita menunaikan amanah Allah s.w.t., maka samada suami mahu pun isteri, niat yang utama dan perlu ada dalam diri adalah melaksanakan tanggungjawab kepada Allah s.w.t. Kefahaman terhadap perkara ini boleh mendorong setiap pasangan melengkapkan diri dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan ilmu keibubapaan disamping mempersiapkan diri dari segi meterial, jasmani dan rohani dalam melayari bahtera keluarga menempuh gelora alam rumahtangga.

Setiap pasangan mempunyai tanggungjawab yang penting untuk menjaga atau meghindari keluarga dari runtuh iaitu sebagai suami, dipertanggungjawabkan membei nafkah zahir dan batin kepada isteri. Selain itu suami perlulah mendidik isteri sehingga mencapai tahap boleh menjauhkan ahli keluarganya daripada seksaan api neraka. Dalam ayat 6, surah al-Tahrim, Allah SWT menegaskan bahawa orang yang beriman hendaklah bukan sahaja memeliahara dirinya daripada api neraka. Selain itu, isteri juga mempunyai tanggungjawab terhadap suami adalah dengan mentaatti dan mematuhi perintah seorang suami. Isteri juga perlu memberi layanan yang baik kepada suaminya. Wanita yang bergelar isteri juga hendaklah menjaga kehormatan dirinya sebaik mungkin. Isteri juga perlu menjaga harta benda dan menyediakan makanan dan minuman sebaik-sebaiknya.

Dalam rangka dan usaha untuk memperkasa atau memperteguhkan institusi keluarga islam, terdapat beberapa perkara asas yang diutarakan oleh kitab suci al-quran yang sewajarnya dititikberatkan dan diambil perhatian sepenuhnya oleh masyarakat kita hari ini.

Antara perkara-perkara tersebut termasuklah:

Pertama - Memastikan bakal suami dan bakal isteri itu mempunyai akidah yang kukuh. Sesebuah keluarga tidak mungkin merasai kebahagian jika ia dibina tanpa asas akidah yang kukuh. Justeru, keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah s.w.t. akan memperkuatkan lagi keazaman dan kesungguhan untuk membina keluarga yang bahagia, harmoni dan diredhai Allah s.w.t.

Kedua - Setiap pasangan suami isteri atau ibu bapa harus mengetahui dan sedar tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing. Diantara tanggungjawab seorang suami adalah memberi nafkah kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya. Manakala kewajipan seorang isteri pula adalah menguruskan rumahtangga yang mencakupi hal-hal seperti menjaga makan minum suami dan anak-anak. Peranan dan tanggungjawab ini digariskan oleh Allah s.w.t. melalui firmannya yang bermaksud:

“Dan ibu-ibu hendaklah menyusukan anak-anak mereka selama dua tahun genap, iaitu bagi orang yang hendak menyempurnakan penyusuan itu, dan kewajipan bapa pula ialah memberi makan dan pakaian kepada ibu itu menurut cara yang sepatutnya….”- Al-Baqarah ayat 233 -

Selain itu, suami dan isteri juga mempunyai tanggugjawab bersama antaranya ialah suami isteri perlulah berbincang dalam segala hal-hal bersama. Ini amat penting dalam kehidupan keluarga kerana kadangkala masing-masing mempunyai pendapatnya tersendiri dan berasa bahawa hanya pendapatnya sahaja yang betul. Oleh yang demikian, apabila perbincangan dijalankan, mereka akan mendapaqt keputusan yang memuaskanhati semua pihak. Selain itu, sepasang suami isteri kita perlu saling nasihat-menasihati. Apabila suami atau isteri membuat perkara yang tidak disukai, suami atau isteri mempunyai hak untuk menasihati perkara yang dilakukan agar kerukunan rumah tangga sentiasa dicapai.

Apabila pergaduhan antara suami dan isteri terjebak dalam kesalah-fahaman, maka perlulah bermaaf-maafan, duduk berbincang, berkomunikasi secara berkesan kerana setidak-tidaknya dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan diantara kedua-dua pihak dengan cara yang positif. Selain itu, sebagai pasangan adalah wajib mempereratkan hubungan bersama keluarga pihak suami ataupun isteri. Ini kerana masing-masing akan menyebelahi lemuarga masing-masing . Namun, islam menyarankan agar selepas mereka berkahwin, mereka hendakalh menjalinkan hubungan yang erat dengan keluarga pasangan masing-masing. Isteri hendaklah menghormati kelaurga belah suamidan begitu juga sebaliknya. Selain itu solat berjemaah juag perlu dilakukan. Walaupun solat dilakukan secaa individu, namun islam amat menggalakkan umatnya termasuk pasangan suami isteri termasuk juga anak-anak mendirikan solat berjemaah. Selain pahalanya 27 kali ganda lebih berbanding solat bersendirian, ia juga boleh mengeratkan hubungan antara suami, isteri dan juga anak-anak.

Tentang anak-anak pula, mereka ini diibaratkan seperti kain putih, terpulang kepada ibu bapa untuk mencorakkan anak-anak mereka. Ini bermakna ibu bapa harus bertindak sebagai teraju utama dalam membentuk sahsiah anak-anak yang merupakan asa dalam pembinaan masyarakat penyayang. Oleh itu, pembentukan masyarakat penyayang juga sepatutnya bermula daripada rumah. Ini bermakna keluarga memainkan peranan awal dan penting dalam membantu mewujudkan masyarakat penyayang. Kita boleh lihat bagaimana Rasullulah SAW berjaya membina sahsiah yang baik bagi anak-anak Baginda. Oleh itu, kita sebagai umatnya perlulah mendidik anak-anak ke arah yang baik dan sempurna supaya mereka menjadi seorang yang berjaya kelak. Anak-anak juga perlu melayan ibu bapa dengan baik dan bersopan-santun, tidak melawan kata-kata mereka dan tidak sekali menyakitkan hati orang-orang tua.

Apabila nilai yang baik ini wujud dalam keluarga, ia juga akan wujud dalam masyarakat kemudiannya. Ini kerana apa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat menggambarkan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dalam keluarga yang ad dalam masyarakat tersebut. Oleh itu, usaha membentuk masyarakat penyayang perlu bermula dengan membentuk keluarga penyayang terlebih dahulu supaya keruntuhan institusi kekeluargaan tidak akan berlaku InsyaAllah.

Sekian, Terima Kasih.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

NEW SEMESTER....!!!!!!

da msuk new sem...5th happy coz dapt pegi kampus baru yesterday...BALI KAMPUS..heheheh im lovin ok last day dtg x de wat pape pon..melepak jew kt dewan theatrette...ya Allah mmg borink...smpi x tau wat pe, da la puase...ngok movie la, bce magazine, jln2 1 kampus n even takin' picture..da mcm org terbiar kami2 nie...but eventho borink best giler...heheheh


so someone yg penah terbace my evil post, im so sorry...i didnt meant to hurt ur felings and all...the real thing is im a bit upset n i cannot control my anger...i realized now its wrong to wrote about someone eventho u really2 hate him so much...i did it because i like u...n i didnt want to to loose u as my very sorry..heheh so take time to think about it...coz people get a second chance...;)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

wau its been a while im not blogging....see im really busy lately...heheh having my exam n clearing my room, n HOLIDAYYYYBAGANY......yupi just got back from BAGAN trip...heheh i just post a new video in my FB...have a look yea...hehehehe...i will post some bagan lalang's pic here in my blog...KEEP ON UPDATING IT....;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

no more more tonsil....Alhamdulilah

(just a draft) more influenza n tonsil....agak sakit la...but doctor say im fine n its just a minor tonsil...not a CANCER...siot weyh klu cancer...seriau aq...not at all...NOOOOO!!!! i really miss my all my friends sy mintak maaf klu ade salah silap....heheh (not good at apologizing)....but seriously guys sy kn suke bergurau x ingat dunie...but since wat happen to me b4 it change my whole always appreciate my family n my friends...(background:- my sister is giler nyanyi lgu somebody to love for 2 hours, n x abis2 nk kutuk2 aq, xpe2 arinie ari kau sok ari aq...HAHAHAH!!!) ok continue...seriously miss n syg my HANEY...ok well maybe u just read my recent post...heheh jgn terase coz u know aq mmg mcm tu...letting out apew yg aq suke...well im not really good at this...IM SORRY...still friends?? hahah ok thats all, sy nak yak2 jap...omg not in public..haha peduli ape aq...see yah dont wanna be yah...;)

Monday, May 17, 2010

i wanna be takin' seriously........

there's another story of my life..every little bump i try to swerve...but nothing gonna save me from this fall talkin' about my friends...i've been livin' for 19 years now...and i never felt what is like to be hold in a friend's hand...a real friend...people these days like to treated others that what you do..?? god create you to do good to others...

let me start....i have a friends n i do love them...but sometimes i feel like i'm left out from them...maybe because i'm to cocky n different...i don't know...everyone is different in their own way...people keep telling me "you should be proud of urself"...n yes im proud of myself...eventho i being left out from my friends but i have a family...they always support me in every way...but sometime u just wanna get out from ur family n just hang out with ur real friends...i never get the chance to do it...ok well maybe sometimes...

have u ever felt like u hate these people n u just wanna get out from this country n build a new life, a new face, a new hair, n even a new that nobody would find u...i've been in that's not easy...n rarely cant breath when i think about's been a big tragedy for's like killing urself with painkiller or stab urself with a knife...scary right...!! but i would never do that...

part of me still thinkin' about a friends in life...well let me talk about it..i have a's been a year n a half now since i know them..they're like a family to me n i love them...who does'nt love their friends...?? but sometime i feel like i just lost a friends...n i always been the last one to now when there's a news a big news...i feel my self like an old book that people don't even care to read it anymore or wrote it...i never thought it gonna end that way...sadness revolves around me...n we all know its never simple never easy never a clean break n no one here would save me...

i never want this to happen...but please i have feelings to...i wanna be takin' seriously by u guys...u guys have to understand...human feelings is not a toy u can play n dress up like i wanted is i really cant breath without u guys n that i want u guys to really get to know me n be a real friends to me....thats all i hoped would hold a hand guys...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


finally i can rest for a whole day....exhausted...two day in a row outing with my friends...yestersday had a meeting at mpm meeting a good for me...after the like hang out with my best IKEA...buying haney's little frame and some other stuff...kinda funny tho'...its like shoppin' with my mom...searchin' for stuff...but seriously i really2 had a good time with the end im buying myself the most delicious n big curry puff...yummy...!!! well now im hungry...

Friday, April 23, 2010


well..time goes so fast...felt like im still in 1st month of 3rd sem...
but not i week is for my 3rd sem... im so not ready for an exam..i didnt do a lot of revision lately...
hopefully...all i can do now is hoping n pray n a bit of revision for my next success...

the launcing...

best n our great job....

Friday, March 19, 2010

no title...

its been half month i didnt get a chance to blogging....yeah as usual lots of assgmnt n very own nightmares is lesson plan...i didnt get why the lecturer want us to do the recklessly boring lesson plan...i hope she dont read this...heheh (sorry)....anyway to people out there who have an idea how to do a lesson plan for kindergartens children..please...please..please help...;(

Thursday, February 25, 2010

haney is giler...she's beside me now...hahaha...i dont give a damn on haney...she's talking alone..bising2 mcm org x btol...baby2 all that she can say...n mus...x abes2 mus...mus,mus,mus,mus...haterrrsssss!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahahaha i love u...funny


all that i can say is i damn hate waiting....hate...hate...hate it...!!!!why do people have to wait...???nobody realize that...i know its not a very general-fun-to-read topic...but im on that situation...n how much i hate waiting so much...hell no...but that is not my waiting alone as always on thursday came very early to unitar eventho my class start at 3.30.....and waiting for haney n yusry....they promise me to came early....n that i treat them for a delicious " nasi lemak"...but planing has they not came early...saying that 8.00...n another last minute plan n yes again now at 10.00 am they will im still waiting now....n waiting...they better have a good strong reason...wait i know their first reason..."i'm sleepy la"!...."sorry"!..."u go ahead with nana n rudy la"!...HATERRRSSS!!!!!.....whatever already masak with their behaviour....n yet they still did it again....but whatever happens they still my best friends....n i love them so much....

fuck, idiot, damn, bullshit.....!!!! saying that is because im totally freakin fuckin mad......we all human...we live in this world...we share this world...but we're not own this name is elsza n today all that i know, share, live n owned just ruined by people who have no respect n doesnt know what respect is....he/she live in this world only for his/her sake....
do you ever feel when u totally good to someone??...but that respectless person neglected n ruined half of ur social you ever feel embarrassed?? its a joke when people say they never feel embarrassed.....everyone in this world have been in it(the feeling of embarrass, shy, humiliated, neglected, social suicide, hurtful)...yes...i think they just ruined it...i have thought in my mind...every places in the world you go doesnt matter new places or old places always crowded with people who has a very unmeaningfull life...this people makes me hard to except my own life, my own social life....this people makes me forget what a friends for, what a family for, what a real relationship for,.....this is about my own life...i regret to accept challenges in front of me....but this is out of control...all that i can say is hopefully their future ruined just like they ruined my life....god own this good people god created good, wealthy life...n to bad people god gives bad, hell, bullshit life...GO TO HELL!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I WENT TO giant wif my member…bli nana nye teddy berzaman kot…heheh…but whatever la I bought my sister her new fav toy TWISTER…heheh…im sure she will goes over flower...after this me n my member nk g tasek…nana nk g lawan lumba lari ngan rudy de'dondeng…hahah..hope nana win coz we want to surprice her…heheh..gotta right later..hoping this mic word window dapat hantar to my blogspot…Daaaa…GLEE 4 EVER