Saturday, December 4, 2010

I HATE TODAY....(tonight, right now)

I HATE TODAY.....tonight, right now....have you ever been crashed by a bus...wait! well i know the answer NEVER....what kind of question (stupid question) i just ask??...well the thing is...have you ever been crushed, been broken in million pieces like a shattered glass or mirror...well i have, RIGHT the stories goes like i really, really, really i mean extremely like this one particular HOT guy.....when i say HOT i mean really HOT...he's cute in a gay way...yup i think his a gay...One day my friend YUSRY I.Med him....n he say SAYANG to YUS....n i was like dude is he a gay....n last 2 night he posted a video...n he say "raymond ( a guy in a band) is so HANDSOME" i thought well i think he is a gay.....i guess...heheh
So where are we???....owh yeah bout' the guy that i like....yes i do like him a lot...i like him since i was in my 3rd semester....i think....i told everyone...i told all my friends....i told HANEY, NANA, WANIE, MIE, EENA, FAQIH, AUDI, TEYRA, n i told the most to YUS bout' him....they'll do everything to help me getting to know HIM..they even got his FACEBOOK (which i found it by myself eventually) n they even got his phone number...n helping me got His REAL name coz i called him TUKIMAN all the time....what really funny is even my own friends called him TUKIMAN heheh...all his status saying "make an initiative if you really want me" makes me really excited to get him..he also says that he is single all the time..yeah im happy to hear that......but.....all that effort it's not worth it....all my feeling towards HIM just a blink of an eye it's just gone with the wind...i found out that he has a crush on someone else...which i really know who's that "GIRL" is.....but i don't wanna tell you guys who she is....that is not important....what important is i think i'm happy being me...being with myself...being with my friends who understand me (i guess???)...being with my family eventho' they don't have to know about all this happy coz i know GOD is always beside me....HE help me cross this pain that i felt...n i know 1 day 1 perfect guy who is million more better than "that" guy will come and win my heart......INSYAALLAH.....;)