Sunday, June 27, 2010

no more more tonsil....Alhamdulilah

(just a draft) more influenza n tonsil....agak sakit la...but doctor say im fine n its just a minor tonsil...not a CANCER...siot weyh klu cancer...seriau aq...not at all...NOOOOO!!!! i really miss my all my friends sy mintak maaf klu ade salah silap....heheh (not good at apologizing)....but seriously guys sy kn suke bergurau x ingat dunie...but since wat happen to me b4 it change my whole always appreciate my family n my friends...(background:- my sister is giler nyanyi lgu somebody to love for 2 hours, n x abis2 nk kutuk2 aq, xpe2 arinie ari kau sok ari aq...HAHAHAH!!!) ok continue...seriously miss n syg my HANEY...ok well maybe u just read my recent post...heheh jgn terase coz u know aq mmg mcm tu...letting out apew yg aq suke...well im not really good at this...IM SORRY...still friends?? hahah ok thats all, sy nak yak2 jap...omg not in public..haha peduli ape aq...see yah dont wanna be yah...;)